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      Parodentium tissues diseases are the most common pathology among all dental diseases.

What is parodentium? Parodentium involves the adjoining tissues in the region of the body of a tooth.
Periodontitis refers to a number of inflammatory diseases affecting the tissues that surround and support the teeth. One of the first symptoms is gum bleeding while brushing teeth, using dental floss or biting into hard food (e.g. apples). Then occasional redness and gum swellings, dental calculus appear.

Treatmnet of gingivitis in Chisinau   Gingivitis

    Parodontal ligament:

Other symptoms are halitosis, or bad breath, and a persistent metallic taste in the mouth, deep pockets between the teeth and the gums, loose teeth, in the later stages. Many people try to fight against halitosis using chewing gums, sprays and various mouth rinses. But they did not get rid of the unpleasant odor because all these methods do not eliminate the main cause of the disease, but temporarily suppress one of the symptoms. If you feel the following symptom as mobility of the teeth, you must urgently visit to the dentist or you will lose your teeth.

Gingivitis treatment   View of gingivitis

Mild and average case of periodontitis
    Paradontal ligament:

The majority of patients have a tacit rule: finally having an appointment to the dentist, they ask to extract all their teeth and make a complete dental prosthesis for them. But you should know that the complete prosthesis is not so harmless construction. They have both advantages and disadvantages. You must fight for every tooth and come to your dentist immediately as you feel one of the symptoms but it is better to consult a doctor every six months. Dentistry makes a rapid progress every day. Nowadays dentists use the most up-to-date drugs and treatment methods in parodontics. But a professional oral hygiene comes first..

Treatment of periodontitis in Chisinau   View of periodontitis

Tooth losses

Severe case of periodontitis
    Paradental ligament :

Firstly you should remove soft and hard subgingival plaque and then start any antibacterial therapy. Without this, all the rinsing, ointments, gels, some toothpaste, toothbrush change will not bring any results. Moreover oral hygiene is not enough and you need additional conservative treatment methods. In this case the patient should not have any inflammation. After the professional oral hygiene at the Dental Center we assign anti-inflammatory therapy and in 10-14 days you will see the difference. Periodontitis is a multiple-factor disease. That is why the treatment must include integrated approach!!! Also, some patients have missing teeth, and the rest of them are mobile and overload. It is necessary to consult an orthopedic surgeon.

Even if there are all teeth, in any case you need an orthopedist. And above all every manipulation is absolutely painless.

Everybody knows a little secret but do not rush to use it. It is easier to prevent disease than to cure it!

Patients should realize that the gingival inflammation and bone destruction are painless.

Therefore, if you feel any of these symptoms, visit to the dentist!

 Gingivitis treatment in Chisinau Moldova. Periodontitis treatment in Chisinau Moldova. Dentist consultation in Kishinev Moldova. Dental clinic in Chisinev Moldova. Gingivitis symptoms. Periodontitis symptoms. Teeth losses. Teeth treatment in Chisinau Moldova. Treatment of gingival hemorrhage in Chisinau Moldova. Treatment of bad breath in Chisinau Moldova.

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