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      Restore your lost tooth!
the dental clinic "ClasicDent".

REN-TV Moldova. Edition 15.

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      According to the statistics, 30% of people forget to restore a tooth loss after the extraction. Physiologists found that a man can not fully chew food even without one tooth.

Health teeth   Tooth loss   Tooth loss

In this case neighboring teeth tilt very often aside to close the defect. Or a tooth-antagonist starts to move to the extracted tooth from the opposite jaw, and this prevents the normal chewing and increases the masticatory load. Thus, the jaws lose habitual correlation, and the bite deformation is developing. Of course, this does not happen at once and in everybody, but it happens. The neighboring teeth move to the place of the extracted molar that leads to the emergence of gap between cutting teeth. And here your smile is suffering.

Dental prosthesis - is a complex biomechanical construction. First of all, a dental prosthesis restores the function of a lost tooth, approximating to the quality of a living tooth. The orthopedic surgeon selects such prosthesis, which not only replace missing teeth, but also will help save the rest of them for a long time.

Prosthetics of the missing tooth is just necessary! And the question arises - is it necessary to make a preparation of the neighboring teeth? It is necessary only if they are carious, without nerve and require to be crowned. Then in this case we advise a suitable type of prosthetics - a traditional bridge.
The second variant is the rebuilding bridges construction based on the inlays.

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If the neighboring teeth are carious, a dentist will get a good bed for the so-called inlays after the removing caries, where an artificial crown is placed.

The third variant is implantation. This method entirely depends on the degree of bone tissue healing after the tooth extraction, and not from the state of neighboring teeth.

Implant is a screw, which is introduced into the bone, where it remains for the next 3 or 6 months depending on the jaw it was implanted.

When the time expires, the second screw is introduced in the first one where the tooth will be placed. This procedure is carried out only after the surgeon sees in the dental X-ray picture that “the screw got implanted”.

We use the latest materials and advanced technologies to return you aesthetic beauty and provide a sense of comfort when wearing the dentures.

Our doctors quickly and accurately will select your individual color and form of new teeth to achieve high aesthetic construction.

It is important to note that today all achievements of the Dental Center “ClasicDent” are aimed to make every procedure painless and not prolonged. Therefore, dental prosthetics ceased to be a long and poignant process. You should consult your dentist, taking into account many individual factors.

Our highly qualified doctors treat complicated teeth and make dentures according to the latest technologies of modern dentistry.

“Clasic Dent” - is not only dentistry without pain, but also the guarantee of a healthy and beautiful smile!

 Tooth restoration in Chisinau Moldova! Dental prosthesis, dental bridge, implantation in Kishinev. Dental prosthetics in Chisinau Moldova. Tooth extraction in Chisinau Moldova. Rebuilding bridges construction in Chisinau Moldova. Restore lost tooth in Chisinau Moldova.

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