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Tag Dental Implant

dental implants in Chisinau Moldova

The cost of 200 eur includes:
  • consultation by a specialist
  • cost of the implant
  • anaesthesia
  • implant installation
  • healing cap 
  • abutment
Advantage of Tag Dental implant:
  • High strength, coarse pitch thread
  • Hypoallergenic material
  • Dental prosthesis may be installed immediately after implantation
  • Quick implant survival
  • Implant reliability and fixity
  • Minimal injury during the implant installation
  • Quick post surgery rehabilitation 
  • High-scale integration 
  • Long - lasting performance.
Tag Dental Implant
The implants manufactured by Tag Dental can be integrated naturally into the mouth and cut down the period of recovery manifolds. These implants are highly durable and long lasting.
The specialty of these implants is that they undergo a very complex procedure which aids in the implants capability to bond well with the bone. 
All products by Tag Dental are of superior quality and comply with international standards. All the implants come with a lifetime warranty. An added advantage to the patients is that if any implant is found defective, is rejected, gets contaminated or fractured, the implant is replaced immediately.
Tag Dental boasts of implants which are sophisticated in their design but are simple to use. The implant system is specifically designed to offer the patient with an ultimate substitute for the lost tooth. There is a wide range of implants available with the brand with easy and fast insertion, superior primary stability, high predictability and better success rates.
The implants by Tag Dental are suitable for every bone type and are prepared in various diameters and lengths. They provide great care during the surgical procedure ranging from the simple ones to the complex procedures.
Tag Dental is aimed at making implantology a simple procedure offering the best quality and services and thus the name simplantology.
The qualified specialists of ClasicDent Dentistry give a detailed information about implantation, potential contraindications, all treatment stages and implantation cost. You can arrange a consultation to the implant surgeon on the site or by phone 022 72-66 -91; 0-794-55-953
Every tooth in a man's head is more valuable than a diamond.
Miguel de Cervantes
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